
Learn more about who we are, our values, and our history.

What Does “RAINBOW” Stand For?

In choosing our name, “Rainbow Allyship”, we decided to have “RAINBOW” as an acronym, with each of the letters representing our core values that we incorporate into our programming.


“Reclaiming” is the act of retrieving or recovering something that was previously lost. In engaging in the work of allyship, we recognize the importance of reclaiming space that has been taken up by those with privilege, reclaiming language that has been used in harmful ways, and reclaiming diverse ways of being.


An “accomplice” is someone who intentionally gives assistance to another person. In the context of equity-seeking work, an accomplice is someone who will actively place their own social standing, professional status, and/or physical well-being “on the line” in order to create a space of inclusion, equity, and safety for all.


True “inclusion” is about ensuring every person is able to fully participate in a particular activity, group or space. As allies, we acknowledge the importance of moving away from just “welcome” or “tolerance” - but instead, we emphasize true inclusion and celebration of all people in their beautiful diversity.


“Nurturing” refers to the act of caring for someone and encouraging their growth and development. Part of the critical work in allyship is nurturing relationships with minoritized individuals - these relationships are based on trust, consistency, and accountability.


The act of “becoming” is about how people redefine their values and rethink their priorities to transform into something or someone new. One does not simply claim to be an ally or accomplice - they must make intentional actions to become a true ally and accomplice that seeks to dismantle oppressive systems, provide support to minoritized individuals, and create safer spaces for all people.


To be “open” is about being willing to learn new things, to admit when you’ve made mistakes, and to work to do better. As allies, we want to create a space where people can be open, ask questions, share their experiences, as we know that this space will help promote mutual learning and understanding. 


“Worth” refers to the recognition of someone’s inherent value and importance. We recognize the inherent dignity and worth of each person, and we seek to challenge others to see and celebrate all parts of our world’s beautiful diversity.

Our History

Rainbow Allyship first began in 2022, though both team members (Sydney and Chris) have been facilitating educational programming for over a decade. The inspiration behind Rainbow Allyship arose after both Sydney and Chris saw a desire from local community organizations to learn more about the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. This need has only further expanded within the last year, due to levels of rising hate and a simultaneous desire from folks in the community to want to combat harmful misinformation.

The design of Rainbow Allyship’s programs is highly interactive, encouraging participants to ask questions, engage in discussion, and reflect on ways that we can each better support members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. As community activists themselves, both Sydney and Chris draw from their years of lived and professional experience to facilitate engaging, meaningful, and impactful programs.

2023 Report

Over 450 virtual and in-person participants.

98% of participants would recommend Rainbow Allyship’s programming.

Over 50 hours spent facilitating programs.